Dale Webb Forest Photography
Here are the photographs of plants, animals and scenery that I took while I was out on my walk.
1) A young deer with it’s mother and father in the distance.
2) A beautiful looking stag where we were both looking straight at each other as i took the photograph.
1) A very majestic looking stag who’s antlers had just caught my eyesight in the distance as I spoke on the phone as mentioned in the post originally. A magnificent looking animal.
2) The same stag calling out, a noise which you can often hear during mating season.
1) The majestic looking stag with a young deer and a female.
2) Side profile of that same stag.
1) A large mushroom in macro. The texture on it’s surface really caught my attention.
2) A bright colored, lonely looking mushroom. Really caught me eye given that it was the only bright looking thing in that area.
1) Very colourful little buds.
2) Another shot of the buds.
1) Bright yellow colored but with some nasty looking spikes
2) I found the coloration of the leaves really interesting.
1) A view of the distance above the strong color.
2) A view focusing on that strong color.